
From 16 March, Sadie Coles HQ presents HONEY PIE, an exhibition by Sarah Lucas featuring a new group of sculptures that extend her long-term Bunny series into dynamic new forms.

The exhibition consists of several sculptures made from stuffed tights and found objects, alongside an equal number of works in bronze and concrete. First conceived in 1997, Lucas’s Bunny sculptures evoke female nudes reclining on chairs in states of abandon and vulnerability. Employing the same everyday materials, the soft sculptures in HONEY PIE develop this formula through anatomical contortions, flamboyant footwear and chairs of eclectic shape and size. Bright colours applied to the figures’ limbs give them the appearance of a surrealist chorus line, at once exotic and comedic. Lucas has elevated the works on a series of plinths that reinforce their individualism, resetting the balance of power between sculpture and viewer.

Lucas’s soft sculptures are mirrored in five bronze and concrete works. Employing the same figure-chair composition, these stand in striking contrast to the fleshiness and bold colour of the soft figures – as if animate bodies have transmuted into statues or icons. Cast from soft prototypes, the hard sculptures consist of polished bronze anatomies – extruded, tubular forms with high-gloss surfaces – each posed on top of a chair rendered in concrete and metal. “They’ve got more of a ghostly quality – like something left over from another age,” Lucas has stated. “It’s a mixture of the hard and the soft, and the colourful and the austere.”. vishopmag-escaparatismo-escaparates-retaildesign-art-sarah-lucas-honey-pie-sadie-coles-hq-exhibition-1 vishopmag-escaparatismo-escaparates-retaildesign-art-sarah-lucas-honey-pie-sadie-coles-hq-exhibition-2 vishopmag-escaparatismo-escaparates-retaildesign-art-sarah-lucas-honey-pie-sadie-coles-hq-exhibition-3 Photos: Sadie Coles HQ.

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