

Armani/Silos is taking over Milan. Pictured is the famous «Broletto» wall where for the past few decades Armani has showcased the best of his campaigns and where beautiful faces await going towards the Via Manzoni 31 complex.

Armani/Silos is a space that hosts an eclectic selection of Giorgio Armani’s creations divided by themes that underline his aesthetics and history.

In this large area of 4500 square meters divided over 4 floors, visitors can enjoy a selection of clothes from 1980 until today. The selection, which does not follow a chronological order, tells the story and shows the styles divided by themes, themes that have inspired and continue to inspire the creative work of Giorgio Armani.

On the ground floor, the section Stars and the section dedicated to Daywear. The first floor dedicated to Esotismi. On the second floor, Cromatismi. On the third and last floor the section Luce.

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Photos: Davide Lovatti.

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