Internationally acclaimed as one of the most significant contemporary artists, Anish Kapoor returns to Italy with Descension, an exhibition project conceived specially for the former cinema and theatre space of Galleria Continua in San Gimignano.

Descension, the installation realized by Kapoor in San Gimignano, is a formal continuation of Descent into limbo, the work presented in 1992 at documenta IX; in Kassel, in the middle of a cube, a kind of apparently bottomless black hole opened up in the floor, “dragging” the viewer into it. Descension destabilizes, undermines our perception of the earth as a solid element, and confirms Kapoor’s interest in non-objects and self-generated forms. In its state of flux and movement, Descension presents us with a perpetual force, a thrust downwards and towards a totally unknowable interior.

Galleria Continua, San Gimignano. Now through september 5, 2015.

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Photos: Galleria Continua.

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