36 ventilators, 4.7m3 packing chips


We present a video from Studio Zimoun’s new project at the Art Museum of Lugano in Switzerland. Zimoun’s installations are experimental explorations about sound, material and space.

Titled 36 Ventilators, 4.7m3 Packing Chips, the kinetic artwork relies on large fans that perpetually blow clouds of packaging peanuts against the museum’s broad windowframes. At night the effect is especially eye-popping as it appears the entire space is filled with a turbulent white sea. As illustrated in these photos, the use of mechanical devices and the bewildering visual and acoustic effects they produce, are a common feature in Zimoun’s work.

Zimoun, born in Switzerland in 1977, lives and works in Bern. His work has been presented in solo and group shows as well as performances worldwide. Zimoun has been awarded different art prizes and residencies and has served as a guest lecturer.

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Photos y Video: Zimoun.

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