

Mercedes‑Benz has developed a new traffic-sign recognition technology that can detect no-entry signs and provide audible and visual warnings to drivers when they enter the wrong side of the road. This 3D project is a new work of Rizon Parein in collaboration with Mathias Nösel from Jung von Matt. (Hamburg Agency).

«When Matthias reached out to me about this project, I was immediately interested not only because of the brilliant concept, but also the specific look and feel he was after,» Parein added. «He knew what he wanted and I knew I could execute it.»

Rizon Parein started in the early nineties as a graffiti artist with a strong passion for 3D letter styles. After quitting school at the age of 17, he started working in graphic design to make a living; the ‘School of Hard Knocks’. He specialised in designing flyers for Belgian club nights, which gave him the chance to experiment with classic graphic design techniques as well as 3D design. After a few years he focused more on 3D animation and started freelancing for international studios and agencies like Tronic Studio, Buck, Transistor Studios or Hello Hikimori.


Photos: Rizon Parein.

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