IKEA PS 2014



IKEA PS 2014 is for a home that is in constant motion, always ready for new situations and needs. You could say that it’s design that moves you — to live more simply and do more in the space you have.

It’s for people and homes on the move: young-in-mind urban people living “in the moment” in a small space. IKEA PS 2014 brings flexibility and an unconventional way of living to everyone, by combining form, function, quality, sustainability and a low price.

The designers responsible for bringing together the IKEA PS 2014 collection are: Tomás Alonso, Keiji Ashizawa, Nicolas Cortolezzis, Matali Crasset, Anna Efverlund, Maja Ganszyniec, Mathias Hahn, Paweł Jasiewicz, Jon Karlsson, Krystian Kowalski, Margrethe Odegaard, Henrik Preutz, Theo Richardson, Charles Brill, Alexander Williams, Stefan Scholten, Carole Baijings, Ebba Strandmark, and David Wahl.

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Photos: IKEA.

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