The drops are sculptures made from a process of experimentation that investigates the physical state of the materials. The matrices were made using a technique wherein the liquid plaster is inserted into latex bags capable of maintaining the soft appearance of the material, even after drying. The result is solid pieces that have kept the liquid appearance, raising doubt about its consistency. Then the matrices were cast in colored resin in order to emphasize the viscous appearance of the sculptures.
The larger drop can be supported on surfaces and the smaller drop is made to be hung on other objects.
Drops is a project by RAIN. RAIN is formed by Ricardo Innecco and Mariana Ramos, respectively an architect and a product designer. They were born and studied in Brasilia, a city known for its modernist architecture and urbanism. In 2012 they moved to São Paulo where they worked in relevant architecture and design studios. In 2015, they started to work in collaboration under the title RAIN.
Photos: RAIN.