

Baranowitz+Kronenberg designs the bricks and mortar for Ame, a new jewellery store of fine diamonds jewelry which sets to disrupt any convention in its category and redefines the high-end jewelry store experience, turning it upside down with a state of the art interpretation and full of soul.
Ame has been conceived to challenge every single touch point of its consumers; jewelry design, diamonds (lab diamonds), store design and the way it engages with its audience. ame transcends gender, age and cultural boundaries. it introduces a new luxury bound by different values and priorities for an audience that appreciates everyday beauty, diversity and authenticity. it is inclusive and kind and aims at elevating our spirits through meticulous craft and attention to details every day of the week. vishopmag-escaparatismo-escaparates-revista-magazine-retaildesign-baranowitzkronen-(1) vishopmag-escaparatismo-escaparates-revista-magazine-retaildesign-baranowitzkronen-(2) Photos: Baranowitz+Kronenberg.

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