

The Supermarket is an experimental space, able to generate new interactions between consumers, products and producers: a place where one can find again a direct relation with the industry. The products are exhibited on large interactive tables – a light touch is enough to obtain augmented information about their characteristics, history and origins. The horizontal landscape fosters contacts and relations, and local producers can use the supermarket as a free-exchange area. As in a traditional market, the buying space becomes a meeting place once again, where technologies create new interfaces and simplify interactions, giving back to the selling chain its social dimension.

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Future Food District (#FFD) presents possible scenarios for the application of new technologies at each step of the food chain. It is a micro universe in which the visitor is invited to explore different interactions between people and food. The project is managed by Carlo Ratti, Director of the SENSEable City Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, together with Carlo Ratti Associates design studio. The #FFD is located on the south side of the Expo site where there is also the Open Air Theater and the walkway which connects with Cascina Merlata.

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As in the traditional market, the FFD Supermarket returns to being a place of exchange, where the focus is on the relationship between consumers, products and producers. New technologies, and product services, facilitate this transformation, re-connecting individuals with the food network and creating a more informed and social consumption.

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FFD is a project created by italian architect, Carlo Ratti, for the Milan Expo 2015.

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Photos: Carlo Ratti.

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