

The DAMAGE Playground is a fashion store, creative space, gallery, bookstore, record store and web store.

The DAMAGE Playground is a self curated space mainly based upon multi-functionalism, transparency, and a three wall concept combining various functions. Furthermore the physical space is connected with the web store by integrating the two.

Collaborators such as Miya Kondo, Chris Slutter and de BENDE have been chosen for their own take of adding ‘creative’ value to the world and their ambiguity. A central element are self-designed ‘human hangers’ wooden mannequins allowing for a playful and yet simple way of mixing and matching outfits. Customers will also be offered the opportunity to mix and match their preferred styles online.

DAMAGE is set up by the brothers Alexandre and Anibal Furtado.

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Photos: Damage Playground.

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Diseño, Visual Merchandising e Interiorismo comercial.

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